
O cadastro no sistema e posterior acesso, por meio de login e senha, são obrigatórios para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para acompanhar o processo editorial em curso. Acesso em uma conta existente ou Registrar uma nova conta.

Condições para submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • Os arquivos para submissão estão em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF (desde que não ultrapassem 2MB)
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando necessário.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento, como anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria do trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação Cega por Pares.

Diretrizes para Autores


The Journal of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physical Therapy - JRCVPT is a bi-annual publication whose objective is to contribute to the science and practice of Respiratory Physical Therapy, Cardiovascular Physical Therapy and Peripheral Vascular Physical Therapy. The primary objective of the journal is to publish scientifically reliable information in the specific areas of Assessment and Treatment of Respiratory Physical Therapy, Cardiovascular Physical Therapy and Peripheral Vascular Physical Therapy. The Editors and Editorial Board reserve the right  to reject manuscripts that do not meet the guidelines and criteria of the journal. JRCVPT uses “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts“ as a reference ( Submission is made online and evaluation will be performed by two reviewers.


Manuscript submission must be made online at the periodical link of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte It is understood that the manuscript is not being considered for publication by any other periodical and that it has not been previously published. If any part of the material has been presented in a preliminary communication, event or congress, the authors must include this information in a footnote on the on the cover page of the manuscript.

Manuscripts can be submitted in English or Portuguese. Those submitted in Portuguese may be translated to English. All articles will undergo language revision, whether in English or in Portuguese.


Manuscripts may contain a maximum of 3500 words (excluding Abstract, References, Figures and Tables). The Journal of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physical Therapy will accept a maximum number of 8 authors for each manuscript and 12 authors for a multicentric study. For case studies the limit is 1500 words, excluding the Abstract, References, Figures and Tables. Letters to the editor are limited to 500 words. The following documents are required at submission:

1)Cover letter containing the following information:

A) Complete names of the authors, type and main area of the article (see OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND POLICY), number and name of the institution that issued Ethics Committee approval for studies in human beings or in animals.

B) Declaration of conflicts of interest and declaration regarding responsibility for content and transfer of authorial rights (copyright) to JRCVPT, if the article is accepted by the Editors.  Both must be signed by the corresponding author with consent of the remaining authors. With respect to conflicts of interest, the declaration must contain accurate information about the existence or not of conflicts of interest that could influence the research results (Attachment A);

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word or Open Office format, with double spacing, upper and lower margins of 2.50 cm, right and left margins of 2 cm and 12pt cambria font. Sections must be separated into Title page; Abstract (in English when the manuscript is submitted in Portuguese); Text; Acknowledgements; References and Tables/Figures. Pages must be numbered, starting with the title page, in the upper right margin.

Detailed organization of the manuscript

Title page

a) Title of the manuscript in upper case letters;

b) Author: first name and surname of each author, followed by a superscript number, identifying institutional affiliation (Unit/Institution/City/State/Country); separated by a comma when there is more than one author;

c) Name and complete address of the corresponding author only;

d) Running head: (maximum of 60 characters);

e) Keywords:  maximum of six, in Portuguese OR English. The use of DeCS – Health Sciences Descriptors – must be adopted, where indexed terms to be used in the article can be consulted on page (


Must contain a maximum of 250 words in a single paragraph. Footnotes and references are not accepted in the abstract. The abstract must be presented in a structured format, including the following items separately: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Body text

It must contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. It is strongly recommended that the relevance of the manuscript for one of the specific areas of the journal be explained in the introduction.


The maximum number of references is 30 for an Original Article, 10 for a Case Study and 80 for a Review Article. References must be organized in numerical sequence, according to the order in which they were mentioned for the first time in the text, in superscript numbers, following Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, elaborated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE ( Journal titles must be referenced in abbreviated forms, according to the List of Journals-Index Medicus Reference accuracy and correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author (s) of the manuscript: (

Tables and Figures

Tables, Figures and Attachments are limited to a total of 5 (five).

1) Tables: They must be numbered, consecutively, with Arabic numbers and presented on separate pages at the end of the text. They must be formatted with horizontal lines separating the sections.

2) Figures: Figures must not repeat data previously described in the tables. All must be cited and must be numbered, consecutively, in Arabic numbers, in the order in which they appear in the text. Legends must be double spaced and explain all the symbols and abbreviations.

Tables and Figures published in other journals or books must contain the respective references and the author’s or editor’s consent. In relation to units, the RFRPCV adopts the International System of Units (IS) for submitted manuscripts.


Letters to the Editor: Suggestions and constructive criticisms of articles and discussions of specific issues will be published at the discretion of the editors (with up to 600 words and up to 8 references). When the letter refers to technical comments (replies) about articles published in JRCVPT it will be published together with the authors’ rejoinders.

Case Studies: restricted to uncommon health conditions or methods/procedures about which an original article would be impractical. They must contain an Introduction, Case description and Conclusion.

Reviews: reviews are in free format but must follow a methodologically logical order, containing an Introduction, Text with subitems and Final Considerations.

Technical notes: the technical notes will be published only after invitation of the JRCVPT editors and will be submited tor peer review process. 


Ethical and Legal Considerations

Ethical Standards stated in Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, a Code of Ethics for Research in Human beings, must be followed. Do not include names or hospital registration numbers of patients in the initial manuscript. The subjects/ patients cannot be identified in photographs, except with expressed written consent attached to the original submission.


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