Digital information between Zoe and Lethe


  • Patrícia Estela Giovannini UERN
  • Pablo Diego Santos Avelino UFRN
  • Carlos Botazzo USP


Social problems, Covid-19, Women's Health, Health Communication


The present study aims to highlight the trends and vision of digital information media on women’s health in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, considering public policies and the health panorama. The guiding questions were: 1) What is the view on women’s health provided by news articles broadcast over the internet, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic? 2) Does the information support the women’s health agenda in this context? In order to answer these questions, in the methodological aspect, hermeneutics were employed, complemented by the use of the free software Iramuteq, when analyzing 55 headlines and leads of news articles captured via the internet, considering the panorama of public policies and the framework current health standards, based on documentary research. The referential bases were Agamben (2010), Butler (2015), Foucault (2008), Mbembe (2018) and their commentators. The content of the articles partially met the women’s health agenda in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In turn, the vision provided by them suggests the persistence of a stereotypical secular discourse about women’s health. Thus, faced with an emerging problem for Social Sciences, Health and Communication, involving the vulnerable group with the greatest quantitative expressiveness of the brazilian population, it is necessary to direct research on this still little explored scope, with a view to developing an approach interdisciplinary, focusing on reducing risks and damages, as well as expanding health promotion and protection.


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How to Cite

GIOVANNINI, P. E.; SANTOS AVELINO, P. D.; BOTAZZO, C. WOMEN’S HEALTH AND POLICIES IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19: Digital information between Zoe and Lethe. Revista Cronos, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 124–149, 2023. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/cronos/article/view/34849. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.