A perspective of crime under social influence


  • Francisco Xavier Freire Rodrigues UFERSA
  • Alexandro Caetano da Silva UFMT



Environmental criminology, Crime, Theory, Ecology, Social


The problem we seek to answer with this article is what is the contribution of human ecology and environmental criminology to the understanding of crime as a social phenomenon? The general objective of the article was to relate the criminal ecology (behavior) of the Chicago School with the criminological theories of Environmental Criminology. In order to achieve this general objective, we defined two specific subjects: the first was to demonstrate the dynamics of crime, knowing how, why, when and where crime occurs, from a multidisciplinary perspective, involving sociological, economic, psychological and, even, architectural constructions; The second was to expose each theory of crime in a context of understanding environmental criminology, we expose how the environment immediately considered is directly related to the criminal occurrence. At end we were able to infer that crime is a social phenomenon but that it requires the will of the agent to be carried out, therefore a rational choice is necessary for its occurrence. The methodology used was a qualitative approach with bibliographic and documentary research.


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Author Biography

Alexandro Caetano da Silva, UFMT

É Bacharel (2003) e Especialista (2019) em Segurança Pública pela Academia de Polícia Militar Costa Verde (APMCV), graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) (2009). Atualmente é Major da POLÍCIA MILITAR DO ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO (PMMT) e MESTRE em Sociologia pela UFMT (2021/2023,) aprovado em 25/09/2023 com o título da dissertação: Uma análise sociológica dos crimes violentos patrimoniais na cidade de Cuiabá-MT.Lecionou Direito e Processo Militar na Escola Superior de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento de Praças (ESFAP) da PMMT em 2021. Está lotado na Assessoria Jurídica da PM a mais de quatro anos possuindo ampla experiência em pareceres e manifestações jurídicas afetas à Instituição e ao direito dos policiais militares, principalmente no que se refere ao Direito Administrativo.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES, F. X. F.; SILVA, A. C. da. HUMAN ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: A perspective of crime under social influence. Revista Cronos, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 194–213, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1982-5560.2024v25n1ID35181. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.