Islas de calor en el área urbana de Crato/Ceará/Brasil




This paper aims to identify the heat islands present in the urban area of Crato-CE, measuring temperature and air humidity data correlated with the geoecological and urban characteristics of the city. To this end, we adopt the conceptions of Professor Carlos Augusto de Figueiredo Monteiro (1976), who formulated the Theory of the Urban Climate System (S.C.U), identifying three channels of human perception: Thermodynamic, Hydrometeoric and Physicochemical. The work presented here focuses on the Thermodynamic channel (heat islands). For the structuring of the research was adopted the methodology of fixed points, analyzing the temperature of 9h, 15h and 21h. The bibliographic survey and the cartography of the studied area were made. The results indicate the existence of very strong to moderate varied heat islands and the collected data and possible solutions are discussed throughout the work. So, follow the work below.



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Author Biographies

Francisco Bráz Matos, Universidade Regional do Cariri -URCA

Master's student at the Postgraduate Program (Academic Masters) Mag-Uva. Degree in Geography from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Linked to the Geoenvironmental Analysis Laboratory (LAGEO/URCA). Researcher at the Study Group on Gemorphology and Pedology (GEOPED-URCA). Researches topics related to Physical Geography with emphasis on Semi-Arid Geomorphology, Sertaneja Ethnogeomorphology, Ethnogeomorphology and Relief Teaching, Geomorphology and Urban Climate Teaching.

Ticiano Moraes de Freitas, Universidade Regional do Cariri, URCA, Brasil.

Undergraduate degree in Geography at the Regional University of Cariri, URCA, Brazil.

Vinicius Ferreira Luna, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brasil.

Master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGEO/UFPE). Degree in Geography from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Linked to the Study Group on Tropical Climatology and Extreme Events (TROPOCLIMA/UFPE) and to the Geoenvironmental Analysis Laboratory (LAGEO/URCA). He works in the area of ??Physical Geography with an emphasis on Urban Climatology, working specifically with Extreme Rain Events and Urban Heat Islands.

Juliana Maria Oliveira Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Crato/CE, Brasil.

PhD in Geography, Department of Geosciences from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Crato/CE, Brazil.

Marcelo de Oliveira Moura, Universidade Federal da Paraíba-PB

Doctor and Master in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Ceará. Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará. Adjunct Professor IV, Department of Geosciences, Federal University of Paraíba- Campus I, João Pessoa. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Paraíba. Collaborating professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching of Geography in the National Network (REDE PROFGEO), Paraíba nucleus / Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Coordinator of the Geographic Climatology Laboratory (CLIMAGEO) of the Department of Geosciences/UFPB. He was Head of the Department of Geosciences at UFPB (Management 2013 - 2015). Member of the Research Groups: Study and Research Group in Physical Geography and Social and Environmental Dynamics (GEOFISA), Study and Research Group in Geographic Education (GEPEG) and the Research Group on Risk and Natural Disaster Management (GENAT). He has experience in Geography, with an emphasis on Geographic Climatology and Geography Teaching, acting on the following topics: Regional Climatology, Urban Climatology and Hydroclimatic Disasters. E-mail:



How to Cite

MATOS, F. B. .; FREITAS, T. M. de .; LUNA, V. F. .; SILVA, J. M. O. .; MOURA, M. de O. . Islas de calor en el área urbana de Crato/Ceará/Brasil. Notheast Geoscience Journal, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 41–48, 2021. DOI: 10.21680/2447-3359.2021v7n2ID21642. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


