Public tourism policies in the Seridó Potiguar
Tourism, Public policy, Seridó PotiguarAbstract
The main objective of this work was to analyze the main actions carried out and the difficulties encountered in the applicability of public tourism policies at the regional level; having as specific objectives: a) to raise the profile of the different actors that make up the public arenas that discuss tourism; and b) to investigate the mechanisms of participation of the actors in the decision-making processes and their roles in the tourism production chain. The methodological procedures used were bibliographic as well as documentary research, having an exploratory / descriptive character. The research adopted the qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews as instruments of data collection. With that it was possible to conclude that the constitution of the instance of governance in tourism, has enabled new discussions about the management and planning of tourism in the Seridó Potiguar region, as well as, the applicability of public tourism policies in the aforementioned region. It was also observed that there are difficulties that compromise the increase in tourism in the region, as well as that the actions developed by the governance body of Polo Seridó are still punctual, a factor that interferes in the socio-spatial dynamics and in the tourism development of the region.
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