Cultural tourism in the Mbanza a Koongo space: opportunities and challenges


  • Nsambu Vicente Instituto Superior Politécnico Atlântida


Mbanza a Koongo. Historical Heritage. Cultural Tourism. Sustainability.


The present article points out some considerations aimed at assessing the sustainable development of cultural tourism in Mbanza a Koongo, Zaire province. The aim is to present brief lines that can make profitable the material and immaterial assets of the municipality of Mbanza a Koongo, a place classified as a World Heritage Site in 2017. For the choice of the theme, two fundamental reasons were retained, namely: (1) Mbanza a Koongo is the former capital of the Koongo State and, with a history of world dimension; (2) It is a site classified as a World Heritage Site since July 8, 2017, but which so far presents many insufficiencies regarding its dissemination. Regarding the research strategy, we used bibliographic and documentary research. We also conducted field research that included three trips where we observed and dialogued with some social actors in that space. This contribution facilitated the construction of a set of reflections that we believe will help to make Mbanza a Koongo profitable. Regarding the results, we found that, although the site is a World Heritage Site, the reflections on sustainability have not, so far, been visible among the local population.  We hope that this study will bring contributions that can improve the inadequacies of the area.


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How to Cite

VICENTE, N. Cultural tourism in the Mbanza a Koongo space: opportunities and challenges. Turismo, Sociedade & Território, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. e29197, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


