The role of business incubators in the internationalization process of incubated companies: a study in Natal/RN
Internationalization; Barriers to Internationalization; Incubators.Abstract
Given the competitive dynamics of the globalized market, it is necessary that companies, regardless of their size, adopt an internationalization strategy as a prerequisite not only for expansion, but for their own survival. Small companies suffer more in this scenario, as they can no longer rely only on the local market to guarantee their existence and without the competitive advantages of large companies; they face several barriers throughout the internationalization process. Business incubators have a seminal role in the internationalization process of incubated companies, offering entrepreneurs the tools, expertise and infrastructure for the international development of their ventures. The present work endeavored to evaluate the perspective of the managers of three incubators in Natal-RN about the support given by these organizations to the internationalization of the incubated companies. The research carried out was exploratory and descriptive, analyzing qualitative and quantitative variables. As a result, it was found that the influence of incubators on the support given to the internationalization of incubated companies, although existing, is unsystematic and insufficient, requiring the improvement of several processes to maximize networking, improve innovation and knowledge management, and overcome the technical limitations faced by entrepreneurs.
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