Hospitalization for fractures in the elderly in the state of Maranhão, 2015 to 2020
Admissions; Invoices; Elderly.Abstract
Fractures can occur at any stage of life, in elderly patients their rate becomes higher due to clinical characteristics and the increase in risk factors with physiological and pathological changes. The study aimed to analyze the rate of hospitalizations for fractures in the elderly in the state of Maranhão from 2015 to 2020. This is an ecological exploratory study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected from SIH/SUS and IBGE and organized and tabulated using Windows Excel 2016. A total of 14,630 admissions were obtained, with 2019 being the year with the highest record compared to other years, females prevailed in all years, the age group 60 to 69 years had the highest records, the health regions with the highest records were São Luís and Presidente Dutra with, respectively, 2672 and 2146 cases. In terms of skin color, treatment regimen and character of service, inconsistency in filling out and feeding data from the SIH/SUS – DATASUS system was observed. It is concluded that the analysis may not be consistent with reality due to non-completion or incorrect feeding of the system.
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