The legal protection of people with autism spectrum disorders: an analysis on the limitation of health plans regarding Autism treatment sessions



Autism; Protection; Number of sessions; Limitation of treatment.


The legal system of relations between the individual and the working society in Brazil The present article had as its theme the legal protection of people with autism spectrum disorder: an analysis of the limitation of health plans regarding the autistic treatment sessions. The objective of the study was to analyze, including in recent judgments, whether, in relation to autistic people and their health plans, multidisciplinary therapeutic sessions are limited and, furthermore, whether in cases in which the Judiciary Power is sought (TJ PI and STJ), if these judicial decisions have guaranteed this treatment. The present work was developed through bibliographical and jurisprudential research. It was obtained as a result that there is a refusal of the health plans in the coverage of clinical procedures, limiting the number of therapeutic sessions and that many insured people have sued the judiciary to guarantee the effective treatment, obtaining success. The first part had as its central theme the conceptual, historical and treatment aspects and the rights of People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and with the objective of analyzing the laws that protect them and which ones are bound in our legal system, both in Federal Constitution, as well as specific laws. As well as legal protection related to the principles of human dignity and other fundamental rights to a life in a just and egalitarian society. The fourth chapter was intended to analyze the relationship between autistic people and health plans, with a focus on the limitation of treatment sessions for Autism Spectrum Disorder, in cases taken to the analysis of the Judiciary.


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How to Cite

MENDES, I. L. R. .; MENDES, N. L. R. .; PAREDES, N. R. A. .; MENDES, A. L. R. . The legal protection of people with autism spectrum disorders: an analysis on the limitation of health plans regarding Autism treatment sessions. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 1, p. e33696, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Educational, Human, and Social Sciences