CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES FOR THE DOSSIER "Ethnography on justice and crime"


                                                                  "Ethnography on justice and crime"



                                                                                                                                                                 Juliana Melo (UFRN)

                                                                                                                                Marcus Cardoso (UNIFAP/INCT-InEAC)

                                                                                                                                Carolina Barreto Lemos (MNPCT/UnB)


The Dossier "Ethnography on justice and crime"seeks to promote the articulation of research that addresses the theme of justice and crime and the forms of control that operate on it. The aim is to reflect on the processes of access to justice in Brazil and, particularly, on the ideas of justice and crime that emerge in different sociocultural contexts.. Based on analyses that focus on an interdisciplinary perspective, we intend to reflect on the representations about criminal justice systems, as well as to highlight and problematize different senses of justice and representations about crime. It is also our interest to reflect on the articulation between legal systems and social practices in force, as well as the complexity involving access and distribution of rights in Brazil.

In general terms, the goal is to stimulate discussion around three main axes. The first concerns the strategies, reflections and manifestations triggered by those who practice or practice illegal or illegal activities. The second intends to gather work focused on the mechanisms of control of these practices, either in their institutional forms (police action, courts, prisons, security policies), or in non-institutionalized practices. The third axis focuses on the encounter between practitioners of illegal or illegal activities and the mechanisms of crime control, with attention to variations and the double incitement that this encounter produces.

In this dossier of Vivência, we will privilege work resulting from field research of ethnographic character and that consider the point of view of the interlocutors. Likea, we will seek to contribute to the reflection on the ethical, moral and political dilemmas involved in research on the subject and reflect on the continuities, discontinuities and tensions that mark the approaches in the field of anthropology of law and crime. Exercise matters for a denser understanding of contemporary dynamics, and may evidence important nuances of current and dynamic sociability models of criminal justice systems.


The authors must submit their texts, following the journal's rules, through the portal until April 4, 2022. The number is planned for the first half of 2022. The journal Vivência publishes texts in Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.

For more information, send a message to the e-mail: indicating as the subject of the message the subject of the dossier: Ethnography on justice and crime.

It is essential that the authors who observe the standards of the Vivência [in:] before submitting their proposals.