Mission statement. Strategic planning. Effectiveness.Abstract
The present article aims to identify and analyze the elements proposed by Pearce II (1982) present in the missions of public universities in Brazil. For this purpose, 97 universities were selected on the website of the Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) to compose the study population. The sample is restricted to 70 universities that have released their missions in their electronic addresses. We defined the Pearce II (1982) model of eight elements as an effective mission index. The results show that the main elements present in the missions of the Brazilian public universities are products or services, geographic domain, values and the philosophy of the organization. Regarding effectiveness, most of the analyzed universities have only 2 of the 8 elements proposed by Pearce II (1982). The research contributed to the perception that Brazilian public universities carry out their missions according to their respective structures or to comply with the Institutional Development Plan, without necessarily using them as a strategic tool. It is concluded that, despite their managerial importance, the definitions of organizational mission of the universities examined are not effective.
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