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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors with a minimum degree of master. Lower degree will not be accepted, even if co-authored.
  • Title: centralized; font Times New Roman 14, bold font.
  • Title in English: centralizad; Times New Roman font 14.
  • Author (s), identification, institutional affiliation, degree (maximum of 3 lines) and e-mail: justified to the right; Times New Roman font 11
  • Abstract (maximum of 10 lines), keywords (maximum of 6): justified; Times New Roman font 11.
  • Text: font Times New Roman 12; justified; highlights in italics; spacing 1,5; according to Technical Standards of ABNT - NBR 10520, July 2023.
  • Long textual quotations (more than 3 lines) should be an independent paragraph, with a 5cm indentation, in Times New Roman 11 font, single spacing, followed by the reference. Citations with up to 3 lines should appear in the body of the text in italics and in quotes, followed by the reference.
  • Footnotes should not be used for references. You should restrict their use and avoid long notes.
  • Quotes: in the body of the text and at the end of the quote, use the author system, date, and page number, in parentheses. Ex: (Foucault, 2004, p.50). For cases where there is no mention of the page, use the author, and date system. Ex: (Foucault, 2004). The different titles of the same author, published in the same year, add a letter after the date. Ex: (Mott, 2000a; Mott, 2000b).
  • Figures, photographs, graphics should be provided in "final format" and in black and white.
  • References: References only to cited works. They should be presented at the end of the work, in alphabetical order of surname (s) of the author (s), without abbreviation of the surname, as in the following examples: a) in the case of book: SURNAME, Name. Title of the work. Place of publication: publisher, date. B) In the case of book chapter: SURNAME, First name. "Title of the chapter". In: SURNAME, First Name (Org). Book's title. Place of publication: publisher, date. page-end page.
    c) in case of article: SURNAME, First name. "Title of the article". Journal title, place of publication, journal volume, issue number, start page-end page, month (s). Year.
    d) in the case of dissertations, theses, monographs: SURNAME, First Name. Title: subtitle (if any). Dissertation (thesis or monograph). (Name of Program) Department, University, place, year. Number of pages.
    e) in the case of documents via world wide web: SURNAME, First name. Title of the work. [online] Available at http: // www ... Access on (inform date). Ex: CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Sexuality and eugenics. [online] Available at: g) in the case of two or more authors: cite all authors, do not use et al.
    (h) in the case of newspaper articles: use the SOBRENOME, Prenome system. Title of the article. Journal title, location, day, month, year. Title of the booklet. I) in the case of journal articles: Title of the Journal. Year, number, periodicity. Special notes.
  • The texts must be submitted with prior revision. The sending of the texts to consultants / assessors is subject to compliance with this requirement.
  • The articles submitted will be evaluated by at least two consultants, chosen by the Editor.

Author Guidelines

The journal will publish texts in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Articles submitted in other languages will be translated into Portuguese. The articles must be sent through this Portal, by the indicated path of access (the reader / author must register login and password for submission of articles). They should have between 15 and 25 pages, being an exclusive production.

The journal only publishes articles by authors with a minimum master degree (report ORCID). Lower degree will not be accepted, even if co-authored.


Política padrão de seção.

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.