Black body and pornography


  • Paulo Esber Barros
  • Robenilson Moura Barreto


If pornography is to observe erotic imagination, then what can we
gather about racial issues in the porn industry? Through an analysis of
hardcore cinematography (the most explicit and commercial type) and
reports of researched subjects, we repeatedly perceive the association of
the fantasy of the big penis with the black body, a pecha that objectifies
it and causes it to deal with a disturbing imperative: “Be my porn actor”.
We will see that this representation of the black body reduces it to a
depersonalized product, a kind of commodity whose luxury is defined
by the size of its penis. We intend to problematize black masculinity
from one of the most obscene mediatic manifestations of the erotic
imagination (porn), bringing the concept of sexual excitement to the
discussion of racial issues that are inalienable.
Keywords: Pornography, Psychoanalysis and Racial Prejudice.


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How to Cite

BARROS, P. E.; BARRETO, R. M. Black body and pornography. Bagoas - Estudos gays: gêneros e sexualidades, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 19, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.