O cordel de militância: luta política, higienização e ruptura de um éthos
The string of militancy: political struggle, sanitizing and ruptured an éthos
We discuss the contributions and consequences of militant cords on lesbianities. Our corpus is composed of three cords: Chica likes is woman (2013); As for the theoretical basis, we count on contributions from other authors such as Swain (2004), Spargo (2006), Facchine (2002) to understand the historicity of militancy movements, the meanings around the act of naming and the process of hygiene in relation to the significance of lesbianities. We understand that there are in these twines an attempt to publicize the historical struggles for the rights of lesbians in a contextualized way. the right to a name, the breaking of the ethos of happiness, as well as the recognition of sexual pleasure among equals. However, these cords, in an attempt to represent a politically correct discourse, end up being very hygienic in relation to lesbianities and their signs.
Key Words: Twine. Militants. Lesbianidades.