Marketing B2B - Determining factors for goods purchasing in the Cosmetics Industry



Raw material, National industry, Relationship marketing; Transactional marketing.


Brazil is the 4th world market in sales of products of Personal Care Products, Cosmetics and Fragrance (PCPCF). In 2018, almost 2,800 PCPCF companies were regularized at ANVISA. The expansion scenario observed for PCPCF is not reflected in the same proportions in the National Cosmetics Goods Industry, which suffers from competition with imported goods, whose preference is attributed to factors such as lack of availability and price competitiveness. The objective of this study was to analyze the process of purchasing raw materials by the National Cosmetics Industry in order to identify the decisive deciding factors in the acquisition of goods. For that purpose, it was used the research method based on non-probabilistic sampling, defined by accessibility, without associated statistical procedure, with interest in selecting participants with relevant information. As a result, it was observed that, despite the prevailing belief that the price of national goods is not competitive; this is not the main factor in the purchase decision.  The lack of innovation, technology, and effectiveness of the national goods, as well as dissatisfaction with post-sale, time of delivery and availability of material were punctuated as reasons for preference for the imported goods. It was also observed that the motivational factors for acquisition by the National Cosmetic Industry of National Cosmetics Goods Industry goods include rational and emotional elements, which should be considered in the definition of the promotional marketing plan of a raw material.


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How to Cite

MUSSI, L.; STETTINER, C. F.; LIMA, E. O. .; MOIA, R. P. .; JUNGER, A. P. .; FORMIGONI, A. Marketing B2B - Determining factors for goods purchasing in the Cosmetics Industry . Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e11111, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


