
  • Josefa da Conceição Silva Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
  • Giane Bezerra Vieira Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias


Conceptions of Reading; Teaching Practice; Teaching and learning.


This paper presents the results of the analysis on the relationship between the conceptions of teachers from kindergarten to Crosshead / RN regarding reading and its implications in their teaching. In this study, we sought to analyze the process of teaching and learning of reading from a social interaction perspective, anchoring the analysis in studies of several authors who focus on the subject, among which are: Vygotsky (1998); Solé (1998, 2003), Soligo (2000), Colomer (2002); Foucambert (1997), Smith (1999, 2003), Freire (1994), among others. From this perspective, one can understand reading as a process permeated by the interaction between the reader and the text, the relevance of which consists in the relationships that they develop with others (peers, teachers, parents), whose paths are constructed from a plot woven by the meanings that reading has in the social context in which the subjects are and the meanings that are indigenous to the meaning assigned to it by the subjects. The study aimed to understand the relationship between the concepts and practices of reading built / developed by teachers from kindergarten crosshead / RN, highlighting the importance of meaningful experiences of reading in kindergarten as support for the formation of readers. The research sought to be guided by a qualitative approach and was structured from pre-set categories are guided analysis, which can be well organized: Experiences that teachers had with reading; concept and its implications for reading everyday practice, the importance of working with reading in kindergarten. From these categories picked upas instruments to collect data to non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews, through which it sought to cope with the questions raised on the issue. It can be said that this work was characterized by an exploratory research that spans a dimension bibliographic and descriptive qualitative approach. It is a work that aimed to make meanings about the theme Reading, coming to the conclusion that these teachers base their practices on various theories, mainly on assumptions and psychogenetic sociointeractionists posture that allows them to have a successful practice effectively .


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. da C. .; VIEIRA, G. B. . THE MEANING OF READING TO EADING MEANING: A STUDY OF CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES OF TEACHERS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CRUZETA / RN. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. e222, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


