aluminum, productivity, extrusionAbstract
This work presents TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), as a tool to enhance the use of the largest aluminum extrusion press in Latin America, at Alcoa in Utinga in the great ABC / SP. Through a descriptive / exploratory research, a participatory and applied research was started with the team that developed this work in the company, being supported by a bibliographical review and semi-structured interview, the following results were built: increased equipment life, reduced the number of breaks improved people's involvement (resulting in increased productivity), perception of new equipment investments, bottlenecks, visual improvement of jobs, reduction of 75% of press breaks 5500 (largest aluminum extrusion press) of Latin America), surpassing that proposed by the management that was 50%, stabilized the process and the production of truck floors (reducing their variations), and another improvement was the development of Autonomous Maintenance (MA) and Planned Maintenance (PM) .
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