WMS, ERP, EXCEL, distribution management.Abstract
A distribution area has several problems such as: expansion and changes in their shopping characteristics, so the old system was not feasible for the management of the distribution center, another problem encountered was the flow of information between the distribution center and the shops in total the whole process took too long to complete. The aim of this paper is to present the development of a communication system to support the Excel program as an alternative to WMS and ERP systems, through a survey of exploratory and qualitative purposes in order to present new distributed control system through a case study realizing the characteristics of the WBS and ERP systems, from this analysis developed into a system with the Excel platform with faster results than 33% than the old one can carry up to 5 loads per day 2 previous system, an increase of 150% of the work without any significant investment, because only one person uses the proposed system.
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