
  • Rui Cesar Cambi Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Erika Cristina da Silva Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Rhodiney Vaz Martins Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Alex Paubel Junger Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Sinclair Mallet Guy Guerra Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul


Cellulosic ethanol, acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis, lignocellulosic material.


The production of ethanol is known on a large scale and long-standing. The technological revolution to increase production, is moving towards the use of cellulosic inputs that is extremely abundant in every part of the world. The production of ethanol based on cellulosic material or 2nd generation as it is called, appears as a promising proposal to possibly minimize the dependencies and problems that involve the use of fossil fuels. The production technology is not fully mastered, there are obstacles to be overcome, to make this fuel viable for commercialization. As a result this work will seek to demonstrate steps to be taken and difficulties to overcome for the production of cellulosic ethanol.


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How to Cite

CAMBI, R. C.; DA SILVA, E. C. .; MARTINS, R. V.; JUNGER, A. P.; GUY GUERRA, S. M. . PRODUCTION OF 2nd GENERATION ETHANOL FROM LIGNOCELLULOSE MATERIALS. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. e813, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2024.


