Professionalization; Planning; Organization; Control; Family Business.Abstract
Mr. Luis managed for 29 years carries on business reformer upholstery without the Atelier Milenium had an organized system of registration and control of data, ie, never measured how much profit or loss reaches the end of financial year, or quality of service compared to competitors, never made any kind of advertising your services, among other key to the survival of any activities organization. This case is reported by the point of view of the Ananda, daughter of Mr. Luis who now has the task of develop a company starting almost from scratch, describes a legitimate situation, which began in the second half of 2014 in a company retirement upholstery. The acquired data and information services are the primary character, participation and observation techniques being used. This real case can serve as a basis to conduct discussions in classrooms in graduate and undergraduate programs that deal with topics related to Administration.
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