Effects of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10) in patients with breast cancer: a systematic review



Ubiquinone; Antioxidants; Breast Neoplasms.


The study aimed to identify the effects of Ubiquinone when used by a patient with breast cancer, evaluating its mechanisms of action and the patient's prognosis when making its use. A survey of a study published between the years 2007 and 2020 was carried out in the databases PubMed, MedLine and Virtual Health Library, using the following keywords “Ubiquinona” OR “Coenzyme Q” AND “Breast cancer” AND “Benefits”. Incomplete articles, duplicate titles and those that did not meet the topic discussed were not included in this review. Nine articles were selected through systematic and thorough selection, eliminating articles through exclusion based on descriptors, type of study, time frame, approach to the topic, unavailability of full text, reviews and repeated articles. The greatest amount of results was found in the Pubmed database with 66.67% followed by the VHL with 22.22% and MedLine with 11.11% that focused on survival, chemical impacts on blood and changes in levels of angiogenic factors and biomarkers for tumors in patients using the enzyme. Coenzyme Q10 has unquestionable benefits in people with breast cancer. It is important to note that the articles cited other antioxidants supporting the beneficial theory of multidisciplinary treatment. However, it is essential to develop more scientific productions on Ubiquinone in order to better understand its effects, mainly in isolation.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, C. C. da S.; BRITO, S. R. S. .; LIMA, H. R. S. .; FERREIRA , J. de S. .; BRITO , A. O. .; PAIVA , E. C. de .; NEPOMUCENO , B. de A. .; NOGUEIRA, K. B. .; MOTA, B. B. .; ALBUQUERQUE , N. L. N. .; SILVA, M. N. P. da .; MESQUITA, V. S. .; SOUZA, L. V. de S. C. .; PEREIRA, N. de A. .; ALVES, M. H. P. .; BARROS, I. G. L. .; GUTERRE, A. C. de F. L. . Effects of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10) in patients with breast cancer: a systematic review. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. e24338, 2021. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/casoseconsultoria/article/view/24338. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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