Allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of Kalanchoe laetivirens on germination and growth of soybean seeds



Kalanchoe laetivirens; Medicinal plants; Allelopathy.


Plants produce allelochemicals with properties that can affect other plants in a beneficial or harmful way. Through studies with natural extracts, it is possible to analyze the allelopathic properties and their influence on plant germination and growth. Thus, the objective of this article was to analyze the allelopathic potential of Kalanchoe laetivirens on seeds of Glycine max (L.). In order to perform the analysis of germination and growth, we used EaqKL in concentrations of 10% and 20%. Allelopathy is the result of the release of chemical compounds that acts harming or benefiting the development of other plants and organisms. Kalanchoe laetivirens demonstrated a positive allelopathic effect on soybean germination and it stimulated the root growth, however, there was inhibition of the hypocotyl. It is suggested that future studies analyze a more significant sample and use different concentrations and solvents to produce the extract of K. laetivirens to enable its use in cultivars in the future. In addition, it is recommended to develop phytochemical and pharmacological studies regarding the K. laetivirens.


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How to Cite

TADAIESKI, H. T. .; CIECILINSKY, J. T. .; PIRES, Y. M. da S. . Allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of Kalanchoe laetivirens on germination and growth of soybean seeds. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. e25262, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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