The company will change ownership: what now?
Corporate transformation; Negotiation; Mediation; Entrepreneurship.Abstract
Corporate transformations are a constant in the business world. The present teaching case aims to provide parameters and hypotheses for societal transformations so that students can make the decision and face the challenges of negotiation and mediation. The case concerns a fictitious graphic services company founded in the city of João Pessoa in Paraíba by 5 owners (students). After 6 months of operation, one of the owners receives a job offer at the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world and wants to withdraw from society. Therefore, the remaining owners must make a takeover bid on their part, while the withdrawing shareholder thinks about how much he wants to receive. A group is given the role of mediating and thinking about the sense of justice in the proposals. The case proves to be effective, because even when applied by students without accounting / legal training, in providing the parameters, how people make efforts to negotiate in order to make the deal happen, wanting to avoid the dispute.
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