Prevalence of cesarean sections in public and private services in the municipality of Picos Piauí



Cesarean; Obstetrics; women's health.


This research aims to analyze the rates of cesarean sections in the public and private sectors of the city of Picos-PI, in order to identify the gestational age at which this type of surgery most occurs, in addition to evaluating the prevailing Apgar score in newborns. born whose delivery was cesarean. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, developed in two hospitals in the city of Picos/PI, one public and the other private. The sample consisted of data from 1,630 women who underwent elective or emergency cesarean sections from 2017 to 2018. Data were collected through a spreadsheet between the period December 2019 to January 2020. The study allowed to highlight, through the records, a prevalence of cesarean sections in the public hospital (92.6%) and only (7.4%) in the private sector. As for the sociodemographic characteristics, it was possible to observe a prevalence of women aged between 19 and 29 years, 923 (261.1%) in the public hospital and 71 (59.2%) in the private hospital, revealing a predominance of adult women in the performance of the Cesarean delivery. Regarding education, it is clear that in the public hospital, most women attended high school 726 (48.1%) and in the private hospital 83 (69.2%) attended higher education. As for marital status, it was possible to observe that in the public hospital, 751 (49.7%) of the women were in a stable relationship and in the private hospital 84 (70%) were married. With regard to the occupation of women undergoing cesarean section, Table 1 shows that in the public sector 1009 (66.8%) were farmers and in the private sector 65 (54.2%) had a steady job. Regarding gender, in the public sector, most babies born by cesarean delivery were male 815 (53.4%) and in the private sector, 63 (52.1%) were female. With regard to gestational age, both in public and private hospitals, most newborns were born at term between 38 and 41 weeks. Regarding the apgar index in the first minute of life, the score between (7-10) in the public hospital 1473 (96.5%) and in the private one 116 (95.9%) prevailed. there was a predominance of the index between (7-10) in the public hospital 1506 (98.7%) and in the private 121 (100%). Given the above, this research serves as an important instrument to boost awareness of health professionals in performing cesarean sections only when clinically indicated, especially in hospitals where the research was conducted.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. G. de S. .; BARBOSA, A. N. E. .; SANTANA , A. L. de S. .; CAVALCANTE, F. D. de A. .; SOUSA, F. W. dos S. .; PEREIRA , K. V. dos S. A. .; SILVA, L. E. de S. .; SARAIVA, M. H. C. .; LIMA, M. L. A. .; SOUSA, M. R. de L.; LIMA , N. F. da S. .; ALVES, N. S.; SÁ, N. K. C. do M.; MESQUITA , N. P. .; SILVA, S. G. A. da .; BORGES, W. B. Prevalence of cesarean sections in public and private services in the municipality of Picos Piauí. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. e26790, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2024.



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