Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up in outpatients with tuberculosis
Tuberculosis; Treatment adherence; Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, with measures to facilitate the adherence to treatment of tuberculosis in a Basic Health Unit. Tuberculosis is an infectious and transmissible disease. Adherence to treatment comprises drug intake that involves behavioral aspects and requires shared decisions and responsibilities. This is a quantitative, prospective and cross-sectional study. Data collection took place with the aid of the Dáder Method, the Morisky and Amplified Green Test and Med Take. The results revealed that the main problems evidenced were: not using the pharmacotherapy that needs; presents a health problem for using a drug and presents a health problem due to a non-quantitative ineffectiveness of pharmacotherapy. To minimize these problems, pharmaceutical interventions were performed through verbal guidance and withdrawal of doubts, in which all patients accepted this intervention. Adherence of the drug treatment in most patients was consistent, with satisfactory knowledge and have high adherence to the treatment, without difficulties or something strange happening. Among the patients evaluated, women and those with older ages adhered to the treatment offered, with no significant correlation. Therefore, the knowledge and adherence of tuberculosis patients evaluated were considered satisfactory and high, respectively. Pharmaceutical intervention is required in only three cases.
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