Survey of drug consumption used in the treatment protocol for Covid-19 in drug stories in the South Zone of Teresina
COVID19; Self-medication; Clinical pharmacy.Abstract
The outbreak of COVID-19, a new disease that has been plaguing the world for several months, had its appearance at the end of the year 2019. These viruses usually cause colds common to respiratory diseases. Research is taking place around the world to find a drug to cure it or at least limit the mortality rate. In Brazil, many of these drugs have disappeared from pharmacy shelves, especially hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, making access difficult for their chronic users, and increasing the risk of self-medication. Thus, the present carried out a survey on the consumption of medicines used in the COVID-19 treatment protocol in drugstores in the south of Teresina-PI. The field research was conducted with pharmacists addressing the consumption of medicines used in the COVID-19 treatment protocol in drugstores in the south of Teresina-PI. Pharmacists interviewed in this study reported increased sales of drugs used in the COVID-19 protocol, as well as increased sales of vitamins in this same period, the survey also demonstrates that all people bought the drugs used for COVID-19 with the intention of of prevention. The most requested drugs over the counter at the pharmacy by customers was ivermectin (100%), followed by azithromycin (54%), the drugs most prescribed by doctors for the treatment of COVID-19, where azithromycin was the most prescribed drug (100 %), followed by ivermectin (91%) and prednisone (55%). Misinformation has been one of the main aggravating factors, as the population has indiscriminately used the test drugs used for the treatment of COVID-19, which requires awareness among the population.
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