The role of nurses in wound care in primary health care
Stomal therapy; Primary health care; Wounds and injuries; Nursing careAbstract
This study aims to discuss the importance of nurses' role in primary care in wound care. This is an integrative review, in which the survey in the database was carried out through MEDLINE via VHL, BDEFN and LILACS, from the descriptors in health sciences (DeCS): "Stomatherapy", "Primary health care" , “Injuries and injuries” and “Nursing care”, with a time frame in the last 5 years (2016 to 2021). In primary care, nurses have a greater bond with patients, becoming professionals with greater autonomy in the care of wounds and also allowing for better guidance, treatment and monitoring of these people and their problems. It is concluded that the nurse has autonomy and an important role in wound care in Primary Health Care patients.
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