Epidemiological evaluation of Gestational Syphilis cases in Teresina-PI
Epidemiology; Treponemal Infections; Syphilis.Abstract
This study aims to evaluate the cases of Gestational Syphilis in Teresina-PI (2005-2020). It is a cross-sectional quantitative and descriptive design. Data were extracted from the DATASUS platform, having as variables included: age group, gestational age, education, color or race, clinical classification. Data were organized and analyzed using descriptive statistics. 1690 cases of gestational syphilis were detected in the adopted period; and, through this total, it was found that 52.60% were between 20-29 years old, 45.30% in the third trimester of pregnancy, 23.60% had incomplete 5th to 8th grade, 70.30% had brown skin and 49.17% had latent syphilis as the main clinical classification. The identification of the epidemiological profile of the studied population indicated essential aspects for improving public health approaches.
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