Strategies used by nurses during prenatal consultations for women victims of sexual violence: an integrative review
Nursing Care; Prenatal care; Sexual violence.Abstract
Victims of sexual violence are more likely to have complications during the gestational period, among them we have physiological, psychological and social harm to women's health. Objective: To discuss strategies used by nurses during prenatal consultations for women victims of sexual violence. Method: This is an integrative literature review, which sought to discover the strategies used by nurses during prenatal consultations with women victims of sexual violence, based on scientific publications indexed in the CINAHL, PubMed and LILACS between the years 2016 to 2021 with descriptors "nursing care", "sexual violence" and "prenatal care". Among 47 articles found, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of seven studies were selected for analysis. Results: Four articles published in foreign journals and two published in national journals were observed. Sexual violence and violence against women are worked together, articles were found that affirm the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness of the service to assist women victims of sexual abuse during pregnancy, and there are articles that talk about listening, creating a bond with the patient, they can be measures that help to identify these victims and thus intervene in this reality. Conclusion: A limited number of references were identified that directly address the strategies used by nurses in prenatal care for victims of sexual violence. However, communication, creation of bonds between the nurse and the patient and the early identification of emerge as promising strategies in combating violence of this nature.
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