Healling actions of the Aloe Vera: a literature review



Aloe vera, Pharmacokinetics, Phytotherapics, Toxicity


Aloe vera, is popularly known in Brazil as “Babosa.” It belongs to the Liliaceae family of African origin. This work aimed to make an integrative review through the SciELO and PUBMED databases, in order to describe the benefits of Aloe vera and its healing action on skin wounds. The search for articles took place in September, in the city of Teresina-PI. Original articles published between 2016 and 2021 were used in this review, using the descriptors “Aloe vera”, “Traditional use of Aloe vera”, Toxicity”, Pharmacokinetics”. 29 articles were found, in Portuguese, English and other languages. Of which only 10 articles contained full texts released for consultation and in Portuguese. Thus, after a study of the 10 articles, 6 were selected that emphasized the healing action of Aloe vera. The analysis of information was performed through exploratory reading of the material found, in a qualitative approach. It can be seen through the selected articles that Aloe vera is used for therapeutic purposes, whether in its natural form or in medicines. It has properties that act beneficially in wound healing and the compounds found in the plant are similar to the compounds of the ointments used for healing. of fibroblasts, facilitates collagen synthesis and can be a great alternative for palliative use in the treatment of chronic wounds because it has components that provide oxygen to increase vascularization and collagen synthesis.


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How to Cite

LUYLA LAGO DAMASCENO, D. .; DE SOUZA FERNANDES, M. L. .; CARVALHO PIRES DA SILVA, . R. .; MOREIRA FREIRE, L.; LADEIRA COÊLHO , M. Healling actions of the Aloe Vera: a literature review . Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, 2022. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/casoseconsultoria/article/view/27869. Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.



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