The Importance of the Discipline of Libras During the Nursing Graduation for a Humanized Provision of Assistance



Nursing, Humanization of Assistance, Deafness, Pounds


Objectives: this study aimed to highlight the importance of the Libras discipline during the training of nurses, bringing acuity in communication between the professional and the deaf patient, for the success and humanization of the care provided. Methodology: this was a descriptive study of the literature review type, which had as its guiding question the following question “what is the importance of the Libras discipline in the Nursing Graduation?”. Two Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) were used "DEAFNESS" and "NURSING", together with the Boolean operator (AND), arranged in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) and in the Nursing Database (BDENF). Inclusion criteria were original studies available in full and published in the last five years (2016-2021). Thus, the other articles that did not fit the aforementioned criteria, as well as did not answer the research question, were excluded. In the end, 10 articles were included in this literature review. Results: the articles found to support the discussion of this study were grouped in a table in descending order according to the year of their respective publications. After analyzing the results, two questions were defined to be worked on: Libras During the Nursing Graduation; and Nursing Assistance to the Deaf Person. Conclusion: in view of the scientific survey carried out, the professional disqualification of nurses was perceived in terms of their training process and effective communication with deaf patients, based on the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the context of health care. Therefore, deaf patients who need nursing care, for the most part, need to take a person with them to be the interpreter at the time of care, a fact that jeopardizes the privacy and excellence of the service provided to the patient.


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How to Cite

LIMA DE SOUZA, C. H.; MARIA, A. M.; FERNANDA, M. F.; HONÓRIO, J. .; CORDEIRO, M. The Importance of the Discipline of Libras During the Nursing Graduation for a Humanized Provision of Assistance. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



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