Nursing care for patients with congenital heart disease: a focus on tetralogy of Fallot



Congenital heart diseases; Nursing Care; Tetralogy of Fallot.


Objective: To synthesize and describe the importance of nurses in caring for people with congenital heart disease, focusing on tetralogy of Fallot through a survey of updated national and international scientific literature. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, carried out in six stages. The bibliographic survey was carried out in five electronic databases. Results: 681 studies were identified in the databases, where after refinement, six were selected to compose the final sample of this review. Final considerations: Based on the results, it was possible to observe the importance of nurses in the care of patients with congenital heart diseases, acting through the main needs evidenced by the patient, such as those of the family.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. V. B. v; SILVA, T. G. de O.; MORAES FILHO, A. O. de .; PAULA, L. E. P. de; PEREIRA, D. S. da S.; SILVA, Élber de M.; VALGUEIRO, N. de C. L.; OLIVEIRA, B. de L.; BERNARDINO, A. de O. Nursing care for patients with congenital heart disease: a focus on tetralogy of Fallot. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. e30291, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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