Coinfection Covid-19/HIV interaction between two infections: Integrative Review



Coinfecção, COVID-19, HIV


The aim of the present study is to describe, according to the literature, the co-infection COVID-19/HIV and the interaction between the two infections. This is an integrative literature review, carried out in PUBMED databases and in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Inclusion criteria were: primary study articles, in English/Spanish/Portuguese, being published in the last two years (2020-2022). Thus, the exclusion criteria were all studies that did not fall within the theme of co-infection by COVID-19 in patients with HIV-1 and that did not settle in the guiding question of this research. Controlled descriptors and Boolean operators "AND" were used for the simultaneous occurrence of problems, and "OR" for the occurrence of one or another problem. The terms used were found in Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), through the combination of the following descriptors: Coinfection; COVID-19; HIV. The research added 136 studies selected for a thorough investigation, of which 12 were established within the inclusion criteria. In the search for the studies selected for the bibliographic review, it was observed that people living with HIV had greater difficulty in maintaining treatment due to total isolation and closure of health centers. The number of studies carried out that seek to clarify the causes of this disease is still small, leaving the subject outdated and controversial by which the co-infection by COVID-19 in this risk group. We reiterate the importance of carrying out more research on the subject in order to demystify the seriousness considered worrying for this population.


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How to Cite

SOARES DIAS , R. .; PHILIPINO TAKADA, H. .; BORGES BRINGEL , I. L. .; LIMA FERNANDES RIBAS, S. .; GOMES COLEN, W. .; MIRANDA DE SANTANA, E.; SAMPAIO LUZ NETO, I. .; COSTA, D. E.; BATISTA DE SOUSA, R. .; DE CARVALHO, F. R. . Coinfection Covid-19/HIV interaction between two infections: Integrative Review. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. e30726, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.



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