The influence of self-regulation of learning on performance in the programming logic discipline



Self-regulation of Learning, Study Administration, Performance Prediction


The subject of Logic Programming (LOP) has been the focus of several studies, as it is one of the themes of education 4.0 and due to its high failure rate. As self-regulation of learning has a direct influence on students' academic performance, understanding the teaching-learning process and self-regulation in the subject is essential to mitigate this failure and, consequently, reduce dropouts. This article aims to analyze the relationship between individual skills (self-regulation of learning, tie management and study conditions) and performance in the LOP subject, in face-to-face teaching, in classes of the Bachelor of Science and Technology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the second half of 2019. To do so, we based ourselves on contributions from studies by Zimmerman (1989,1990), Schunk (2005), among others.  The research is quantitative in nature, in which data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire, to obtain demographic and study self-regulation data. The results showed that students do not care about deepening the content studied, do not choose suitable environments for learning and there is a lack of habit and discipline in their studies, explaining the large number of failures (failure) in the subject.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, L. F. dos .; SILVA, I. R. de M. .; MEDEIROS, H. R. de .; CÂMARA NETO, V. R. . .; PINTO, L. A. S.; ARAÚJO, I. A. F. .; SANTANA JÚNIOR, O. V. de. The influence of self-regulation of learning on performance in the programming logic discipline. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 1, p. e37025, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



Educational, Human, and Social Sciences