About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Odisseia is a biannual online journal of the Graduate Program in Language Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (http://www.ufrn.br/en). It aims to disseminate original works related to Language and its teaching, encompassing, thus, areas, such as Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Literature, Comparative Literature, Language and/or Literature Teaching.

Since 2016 the journal has received submissions of articles and translated articles in continuous flow. The publication of the approved manuscripts occurs right after it is ready for publication in continuous flow. Submissions must be original and cannot have been submitted to other journals. Please read Odisseia’s Statement of Ethics.

Authors should be MA students co-authored by their advisers, doctorate students, or holders of MA or PhD degrees. Submissions must be made through SEER (https://periodicos.ufrn.br/odisseia/login) so that manuscripts can be submitted to double-blind peer review. We will not accept submissions sent by e-mail. The authors of the submitted papers are solely responsible for the content of their manuscripts. Articles that result from human subject research must inform the number of the process approved by the Ethics Committee of their Institution. The authors of the published papers are from different teaching institutions.