The partridge in free fall
an analysis of the character Delfina, in The joyful song of the partridge, by Paulina Chiziane, under the bias of anti-blackness
Paula Chiziane, Racism, Anti-blacknessAbstract
The article will analyze the character Delfina from the novel O Alegre Canto da Perdiz, by Paulina Chiziane (2008), a Mozambican author who, through the black female perspective, addresses unprecedented themes such as sex, female pleasure, witchcraft, true taboos in that society. In the analysis of the character Delfina, we will seek to understand the unique characteristics that are imposed on societies colonized by the global North, resorting to the concept of anti-blackness, the theoretical arm of Afropessimism. Anti-blackness understands that the black/non-black dyad is fundamental for understanding the relationships carried out in the lives of black people. In this sense, the concept differs from racism and will be the primordial element for studying Chiziane's work.
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