Colonialism, racism, and the demonization of the black body
a possible reading of Ungulani Ba Ka Khossa's short story The Diary of Manua
mozambican literature. Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa. Racism. colonialism.Abstract
Ungulani Ba Ka Khossa is one of the most prestigious Mozambican writers. His first book, Ualalapi (1987), has been considered one of the one hundred best African books.The writer can be considered a guardian of the Mozambican cultural memory, since his texts are loaded with historical references, and can also be understood as retellings of historical facts that go against the official versions. The present article intends to show, through textual analysis, discussions about racism and the demonized vision of Africans present in the short story O diário de Manua, and also to highlight situations experienced by Africans during the Portuguese colonization. This article can also be considered a key for reading the short story or a possible interpretation of the discussions proposed by the author. The contributions of CABAÇO (2009), FANON (2008) and MBEMBE (2018) will serve as the theoretical-critical scope of the analysis.
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