Financial Education: Influence on Teachers Consumption, Investment and Savings Decisions




Financial education, Personal finances, Consumption, Savings, Investment


The present study investigated the influence of financial education on the consumption, investment and savings decisions of teachers at the Center for Applied Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is a descriptive research of a quantitative nature, using a Likert scale questionnaire applied on Google Forms, and data processing and analysis were carried out on Google Forms and the Gretl 2020a software. The results suggest that the level of financial education of teachers at the Center for Social and Applied Sciences (CCSA) at UFRN is higher for issues relating to consumption and savings decisions than for investment decisions. In relation to consumption decisions, teachers showed a higher level of seeking information about products, evaluating situational factors that may interfere with the purchasing decision, searching for suppliers and/or costs, and planning before purchasing. There is no major difference in the results expressed between the groups. Except for understanding economic indicators and individuals who bought product(s) on impulse and never used them. In relation to savings decisions, the habit of monitoring monthly expenses and planning monthly savings of part of the income to travel or occasional expenses stands out. The groups were similar in their decisions, pointing to a level of financial education aligned with savings decisions. However, teachers in group II tend to invest after accumulating a significant amount and investing it in one go, while group I is prone to making several small investments. In investment decisions, teachers have a lower level of financial education in matters relating to experience/knowledge of products and services in the financial market.


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Author Biographies


Professor Doutor da UFRN.


Professora do curso de Gestão de Políticas Públicas do Instituto de Políticas Públicas IPP da UFRN.


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How to Cite

DE MEDEIROS MOURA , B.; GALVÃO DE CARVALHO , V.; PEREIRA, T.; CRISTINA SANTOS DE JESUS, A. Financial Education: Influence on Teachers Consumption, Investment and Savings Decisions . Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Gestão, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. e35207, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


