Loyalty As A Result Of New Associate Satisfaction In Sicredi Vanguarda PR/SP/RJ
Attendance. Loyalty. Marketing of relationship.Abstract
Consulting the customer is a constant activity to be developed in organizations. This article aims to compare employee service and the reasons why the associate opened the account at Sicredi Vanguarda in the states of Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The methodology employed for this study used descriptive and quantitative research. The survey covered all new members who opened their accounts between August 2022 and May 2023, totaling 15,090 customers. Through the research conducted it was possible to verify that the service is rated as excellent in all states analyzed and it appears that the three main reasons for choosing to associate with Sicredi are the indication, the receipt of salary and the convenience. Given the study, it is possible to realize that the satisfaction survey returns satisfactory results, however it is important that the company continue to use resources in order to maintain the quality-of-service delivery and constantly evolve.
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