Small Brazilian municipalities. Public policy. Regulated local expenditure. Unregulated local expenditure. Political factors.Abstract
The present study studied the Brazilian municipalities with less than five thousand inhabitants in the northeastern region of Brazil, in order to determine which political factors exerted influence on regulated and unregulated public policies. As regulated public policies, municipal expenditures were used with education and health and as unregulated ones with administration / planning. The research approach is quantitative, using the analysis and panel data by the fixed effects method. The explanatory variables are the following political factors: (i) budget political cycle; (ii) political ideology, (iii) political alignment between small municipalities and higher levels of government; and (iv) political competition. The initial sample consisted of the municipalities that provided data to the MF / STN / FINBRA between 2001 and 2012, totaling 2,414 observations. The results indicated that political budget cycles influence regulated and unregulated policies in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and that the managers' option was to prioritize education and health expenditures in municipal elections. Political ideology is not a factor that differentiates the application of resources in the areas analyzed. The forms of political alignment between local governments and superiors revealed little influence on the areas of expenditure surveyed. Political competition within the municipal legislature suggests that the more intense the political competition, the greater the spending on the administrative and health area. Finally, the research contributed to the evaluation of the effects of political factors on two extremes of public policies in small municipalities (regulated and unregulated policies).
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