The outstanding debt is a credit from government revenue foregone in good time, recorded in the public accounts after the calculation of its liquidity and certainty by competent administrative authority. Whereas given its high amount recognition of the Federal Actie Debt (DAU) affects the analysis of the Balance General of Government Federal (BGU), and that the convergence process in the public sector requires the adoption of accounting standards based on accounting theory, this study aims to present a discussion of the nature contingent and the criteria for recognition of DAU. In this sense, from 2008 the data were gathered in 2013 in the Integrated System of Financial Administration of the Federal Government (SIAFI) and Integrated Debts System of the Attorney General of the National Treasury (DW Sida), for analysis of the profile of the appropriations entered . The study results show that for the most part the amounts recorded in DAU presents uncertainties as to its validity and the real possibility of receiving, is characterized therefore as contingent asset. It should therefore be recognized in BGU only when future economic benefits or potential are considered virtually certain bodies responsible for its management.
Keywords: Federal Active Debt. Contingent Assets. Balance General of Government Federal.
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