Virtual museums and research possibilities in history of education



Virtual museums; Educational memories; History of education; Historical research.


Virtual museums are spaces that allow countless researches due to the diversity of their collections. The main focus of this work is to inventory research possibilities for the area of the history of education having as source the virtual museums. Therefore, we present throughout the text digital museums, their contributions to the preservation and reflection of school culture, understanding that these are spaces for storing memories and history, of which we can make use to build new research. The methodology of analysis used in the process of mapping online museums of the history of education occurred through research in Google Academic using the descriptor: "virtual museum of education". About the research question we asked ourselves: what possibilities of researches in history of education can be produced from the study in virtual museums? Or, what themes can be identified? This research is of bibliographical review and documental analysis, having the virtual museums as primary sources. Partial results indicate the existence between 2010 and 2020, on the mentioned theme, of 40 (forty) works produced, of which only 12.5% (twelve point five percent), a total of 5 (five) works, present museums in the field of the history of education that are accessible on the internet. We also concluded the importance of research in which virtual museums are taken as a source for the field of the history of education, due to the quantity of themes that were possible to diagnose in the collections of the museums such as: the analysis about the importance of the historical patrimony, the inclusion of the use of technologies and the remote access in the methodologies, the approach and the formation of the school culture, the childhood, the rescue of the educative memories and the analysis of the local school literature, treatment of sources of digital archives.


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How to Cite

CARLOS, N. L. S. D.; SANTOS, C. M. dos; DANTAS, L. R. S.; MEDEIROS NETA, O. M. de. Virtual museums and research possibilities in history of education. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e11126, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


