Obstacles for the adoption of Industrial Symbiosis in the Industrial District of Maracanaú: Insights for Sustainable Development



Industrial Ecology; Industrial Symbiosis; Industrial District.


This research aims to identify the main obstacles to the adoption of industrial symbiosis in the industrial district of Maracanaú. Brazilian industrial districts need to anticipate symbiosis trends in order to be able to compete in the international market, and empirical research is relevant to discover the reasons for the low adhesion of industries to industrial symbiosis. This study is characterized as qualitative. To obtain the data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers, directors and industry analyst in the industrial district of Maracanaú. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire elaborated from previous studies on industrial symbiosis: Golev, Corder and Giurco (2014). The data were analyzed through content analysis. The results showed that the lack of cooperation and communication between industries and aspects of the institutional environment, such as the active presence of the government and infrastructure in the region, are aspects that make it difficult for industries to adhere to symbiosis. Finally, the work intends to start the debate on industrial symbiosis in industrial districts in Brazil, highlighting the relevance of actions in favor of sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carla Cavalcante das Chagas, Centro Universitário Fametro- UniFametro

Professora de Administração no Centro Universitário Fametro. Mestranda em Administração e Controladoria na Universidade Federal do Ceará. Graduada em Administração na Faculdade Adventista de Administração do Nordeste. 

Silvana Maria de Sousa dos Santos, Centro Universitário Fametro- UniFametro

Graduanda em Administração no Centro Universitário Fametro e bolsista do Programa de Monitoria e Iniciação Científica da Fametro (PROMIC). 

Sara Martins Silva, Centro Universitário Fametro- UniFametro

Graduanda em Administração no Centro Universitário Fametro e bolsista do Programa de Monitoria e Iniciação Científica da Fametro (PROMIC). 

Francisco Mateus de Abreu Lopes, Centro Universitário Fametro- UniFametro

Graduando em Administração no Centro Universitário Fametro e bolsista do Programa de Monitoria e Iniciação Científica da Fametro (PROMIC). 


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How to Cite

PINHEIRO, A. B.; CHAGAS, A. C. C. das .; SANTOS, S. M. de S. dos; SILVA, . S. M.; LOPES, F. M. de A. Obstacles for the adoption of Industrial Symbiosis in the Industrial District of Maracanaú: Insights for Sustainable Development. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. e11113, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/casoseconsultoria/article/view/22579. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


