Services, Marketing, Consumer; Quality; Needs.Abstract
The premises operating in competitive environments, whose striking features revolve around changes intense and growing demands of the consuming public, impute to the competitive organizations need to seek innovative alternatives not only in their systems managers, as well as the proposals for improvements and alignments between customer needs and the tools available, among them marketing services. In this context, the aim of this article is to highlight the differences between the traditional approach of marketing and services marketing from the perspective of consumers search for satiety. Therefore, we performed a bibliographic study focusing on the basic characteristics of services and their implications, the compound of the marketing mix in services and marketing 7ps aligned features that could be considered competitive for consumers. Thus, the marketing management services presents its influence to demonstrate that the service itself, represents a wildcard for the areas of operation of any business that wants to survive and succeed in the market. Thus, the internal marketing and interactive marketing are considered key elements in the process of systemic character for organizations that desire to become competitive.
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