culture; organizational climate; Communication.Abstract
The case points to the portrait of a microenterprise in the branch of the Law Firm in the state of RN. It is suggested that it be applied in undergraduate courses and / or specialization in administration in people management. The services provided by the MCV & A company are recognized by external clients who comply with the agreements signed with the office and, therefore, there is customer loyalty, meeting expectations and launching proposals for resolution of cases. With regard to the internally developed work of the young collaborator, Maria perceives the strong and entrenched culture where the hierarchy prevails, making communication difficult and creating cultural barriers that compromise the development of improvements in the organizational climate. For the construction of the case, a research was carried out, using observations and interviews with the collaborators. The board allowed the publication of the case, although it did not accept the use of the real names of the protagonists, characters and the institution.
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NANCY, Acessado em 30 de dezembro e 2012
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