
  • Alex Paubel Junger Univesidade Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Andressa Rodrigues de Medeiros Faculdade de Tecnologia Termomecânica
  • Débora Martins Viana de Moura Faculdade de Tecnologia Termomecânica
  • Rebeca Rosa Barrocal Centro Universitário do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Paula Gabriela Gimenez Junger Centro Universitário do Rio Grande do Norte


Education; Advertising; Influence; Consumption.


This article aims to present how child marketing influences the development of children and adolescents, explaining which media has the greatest impact, through the concepts of strategies of differentiation and behavioral segmentation. The objective is also to show the perception of children, adolescents and parents in relation to the exposure that they are submitted daily in a massive way. The intention is to study the power of children's marketing in the development of their target audience and how this reflects on the purchasing power of parents in order to explain how marketing advertising is directed at children and the influences that this practice has on development physical, psychological and social development of those who will be active consumers in the future. Due to the great influence of child marketing on the life of children and adolescents, it is necessary to study and research, and the connection between the real and the imaginary populates the minds in formation. The media and children's advertising are responsible for inflating these minds, with the intention of increasing the consumption of certain products, especially those aimed at the children's audience.


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How to Cite

JUNGER, A. P.; DE MEDEIROS, A. R. .; DE MOURA, D. M. V. .; BARROCAL, R. R. .; GIMENEZ JUNGER, P. G. . CHILD MARKETING: THE MEDIA INFLUENCE ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e10116, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


