Interprofessional training on insulinotherapy for community health agents: experience report
Diabetes Mellitus; Insulin; Interprofessionality; Collective Health; Community Health Agent; Primary Health Care.Abstract
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic-degenerative disease, which consists of an increase in serum glucose concentration or a deficit of insulin for systemic glycemic control. The Community Health Agents are part of the Family Health Strategy, the gateway to Primary Health Care, where they have a very important role in guiding and educating the health of these patients, being the main link between the health team and the community. The present work is an experience report about the training on insulin therapy for CHA of regional II, in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, carried out between the months of September to October 2019, with the participation of 139 CHA. We use as a theoretical framework for training, the problem solving method of Arco de Maguerez, which has teaching-learning strategies for the development of problematization. There were four stages in each meeting that consisted of the active participation of the CHA for a close look at reality. We observed gaps in the knowledge of the CHA about the care for people using insulin, for example: notions about preventive care for diabetic foot and its complications; differences between types of insulin; the importance of proper handling and storage. There was a collective construction of knowledge during the course of the meetings, contributing to greater training of CHWs in relation to the theme and an understanding by students and professionals who conducted the training on information that is part of the popular culture of patients. This experience provided the CHA with the construction of new knowledge about caring for people with DM in insulin therapy to transform reality, based on a methodology that enabled didactic, dynamic and reflective training.
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