Evaluation of the benefits of the use of oral rehydration solutions and standard solution in children with diarrical framework: a bibliographic review



Oral Hydrating Serum; Diarrhea; Osmolarity.


Diarrhea is one of the most prevalent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in childhood, promoting significant infant morbidity and mortality and being one of the main factors aggravating the nutritional status of children in developing countries, which leads it to be considered a public health problem. WHO and UNICEF have recommended for over 25 years the adoption of a unique formulation of solution for oral rehydration (ORS), being widely applied to patients, regardless of the etiology or age group affected. However, another formulation more suitable than ORS has been developed for cases of diarrhea, which despite being as safe and effective as the original, reduces fecal elimination and offers additional clinical benefits. However, it is notorious that in the poorest countries there is difficulty in the distribution of sachets with oral rehydration salts, which is why the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using the salt-sugar solution at home as the main alternative in preventing dehydration caused diarrhea. In addition to this type of ORS, other types of formulations are used for the same purpose, such as: ORS based on rice, ORS hypertonic and ORS added with glucose or zinc. The present work was carried out by a survey of articles published in the last 20 years and it is a bibliographic review that aims to describe the benefits of using the different types of ORS and standard ORS in children with diarrheal conditions through a comparison. 28 articles were found and an analysis was carried out in 11. The benefits and efficacy of various types of ORS in the treatment of diarrheal symptoms in children resulted in benefits.


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How to Cite

MACEDO, G. dos S. S. .; MENDES, A. L. R.; SOARES, C. M. L. .; SILVA, F. R. da .; FERNANDES, L. K. da S. .; BASTOS, Áureo M. C. .; MELO, S. M. . Evaluation of the benefits of the use of oral rehydration solutions and standard solution in children with diarrical framework: a bibliographic review. Revista de Casos e Consultoria, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. e24164, 2021. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/casoseconsultoria/article/view/24164. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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