Chemical physical analysis of soy milk for infants under one year of age
Soy milk; Infant formulas; Chemical physical analysis.Abstract
Currently, soy formulas are indicated for the treatment of infants in the second half of life with suspected allergy to IgE-mediated cow's milk. However, some studies on pharmacoeconomics have shown that soy formulas are used, in practice, also in patients with allergy to cow's milk not mediated by IgE. The present study aims to: perform quality control of soy milk for the consumption of infants up to one year of age; to verify the physical-chemical stability of infant formulas derived from soy milk; analyze if the type of water that was used can influence the preparation of infant formula based on soy; verify for how long after the preparation of infant formulas the color variation may occur; evaluate if there is a variation of pH according to the time after the preparation of infant formula of soy milk; check if the viscosity has an influence after the preparation of infant formulas based on soy. This is a cross-sectional study of an explanatory type, with an experimental method and a quantitative approach, carried out at the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of the Centro Universitário Unifacid Wyden through the analysis of two brands of soy milk purchased at a reference pharmacy in Teresina PI, with samples according to the labeling of each product which were subjected to color analysis, PH and proof of reconstitution and / or stability. Soy-based infant formulas are an alternative for infants who are allergic to cow's milk protein. The study with the preparation with filtered and boiled water and mineral water revealed that the changes are minimal and that the preparation. This study is representative for the pharmaceutical area because many parents seek the pharmaceutical professional about the best brand, the best acceptability, few adverse effects.
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