Report of cases of spotted fever occurred in the year 2016 in Divinópolis-MG
Spotted Fever; Rickettsiaceae Infections; Disease Notification, Case Reports.Abstract
In 2016, Divinópolis was the city with the highest number of spotted fever cases in Minas Gerais. There was an outbreak of the disease on that year, with four cases, and two deaths caused by the same condition. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the cases of spotted fever in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, in 2016. The epidemiological data and medical records were analyzed. Based on the data it was verified that the diagnostic hypothesis more often observed at the beginning of the disease, was dengue. After the occurrence and notification of the first case, the suspicion of spotted fever occurred earlier in the other cases, which favored the evolution of patients. We can suggest that the epidemic of dengue occurred that year, hindered the differential diagnosis of spotted fever, including due to the clinical similarity of the diseases. These data reinforce the importance to notify the cases of spotted fever and alerts the need of the differential diagnosis between the spotted fever and dengue, as a measure of reducing the mortality.
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